One further source of free education is the Email College. Once you enroll (a simple process) you will begin to receive daily emails on your chosen subjects. There is no test and no set coursework all you need to do is read them and understand what they are trying to teach you. This will continue for few weeks and then you will be sent a link to download a certificate in PDF form.
There are a couple of objections to this (from the employers perspective). Firstly, there is no proof that you have actually done the work. The courses themselves are interesting, well structured and useful but ultimately the system relies upon honor. I would advise you to take them seriously but not to rely upon them too much in interviews because they are not recognized qualifications.
Many good people have periods of unemployemt in their lives. Employers understand this but they want to know that you have been busy improving yourself. These certificates help to fill gaps in your C.V.
It is important to place your certificates under headings such as these. If you present them as a random selection of unrelated subjects they will be of little value to the employer.
I have completed each of these courses myself.
Speaking and Presentation Skills.
Feedback Skills.
Understanding Statistics.
Information Reading Strategies.
Personal Ethics.
Time Management Tools.
Why Memory Tricks Work.
Writing an Email Course.
Searching the Web.
Recruiting Staff.
Writing to Newspapers.
Listening Skills.
Making Better Decisions.
Never forget anything again.
Finances for growth.
Growth strategies.
Practical project management.
Promoting yourself.
Customer care.
Market Research.
Reading Skills.
Improving your memory.
Deliver great speeches.
Think like a genius.
Google Ad Word sales.
Getting Creative.
Thinking Techniques.
Credit cards understood.
Reading for Life.
Learning Styles.
Information Management.
Basic Writing Skills.
Aromatherapy and pregnancy.
Personal fitness.
Alternative Medicine- a guided tour.
Film Noir.
Dealing with Stress.
Reading a Novel.
Film as Art.
Film Reviewing.
Opera Explained.
The Philosophy of Reason.
Walking for Health.
One Minute Workout.
Relaxation Techniques.
Vegetarian Eating.
Get the reading habit.
Getting non fiction published.
Historical novel writing.
Ghost writing.
Gothic fiction
Paranormal romance.
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