What sort of a Survivalist are you

Sex sells death.Everyone is a survivalist on one level. The only thing that makes the survivalist unusual is their choice of threats and the seriousness with which they take them.
GREEN= LITTLE OR NO RISK (In my own opinion)
This school of thought concerns itself with mundane threats such as dog bites, house fires, muggings and car accidents. It emphasizes a 'common sense' approach. Survivalists of this kind identify with mainstream society and may not like the word Survivalist. Wiki here.
POSITIVES: Practical, low cost measures that will not frighten your friends.
NEGATIVES: Sensible, middle class and middle aged!
BUSHCRAFT.This form of survivalism offers escape from the trials of civilization by separating from it and adopting a hunter gatherer lifestyle for as long as may be needed. It is more popular in the US than the UK because there is simply more wilderness to escape to in the US. The approach has become more popular in the UK due to various survival related TV programmes and organized training courses exist.
POSITIVES: All the fun of the boy scouts but for grown ups. Lots of male bonding over the campfire and a freshly caught hedgehog.
NEGATIVES: Bushcraft means you will probably starve more slowly than other people. You will still starve.
I love these little Gem books- so cheap and yet so well thought out.In my opinion much of the appeal of such courses for young men is that it represents a form of initiation into manhood that is similar to the aboriginal walkabout. Bushcraft may not be the best use of your time or money- but it is great fun!
SELF DEFENSE.This is self explanatory.
POSITIVES: A good confidence builder.
NEGATIVES: Lacks everyday application (one hopes).
NATURAL DISASTER.Damage and injury limitation until help arrives. Flood, hurricane, earthquake and so on. This often concerns itself with the design and strengthening of buildings and the stockpiling of food and water.
POSITIVES: Practical measures. that may add value to your home.
NEGATIVES: Possibly expensive.
Darwin believed the best adapters survive- not the most physically fit.ECOLOGICAL DISASTER.This is a natural disaster that does not end. Examples include bee extinction (resulting in crop failures) and herbicide resistant weeds. Global warming, acid rain and pollution rendering common foods toxic are all possibilities.No help is coming these events generaly result in the colapse of civilization and sometimes extinction of the original population. Easter Island and the colapse of Viking settlement in Greenland are examples of this.
Efforts to deal with ecological disaster typically center around prevention (through environmentalism) and recovery (through permaculture).
POSITIVES: It has a certain bleak and macho charm. Environmentalism and permaculture may help to avert the disaster before it strikes. Environmental awareness is well thought of in square society.
NEGATIVES: These activities are generally high cost and deal with low probability events.TERRORISM AND WAR.This includes the possibility terrorists may develop a 'dirty bomb'. This is a conventional bomb that includes radioactive waste that renders wide areas unsafe. A basement may be fitted with a cheap filtration system and become an effective shelter because these weapons produce little in the way of blast damage.
POSITIVES: Buildings may be modified in unobtrusive ways that do not limit their value as homes.
NEGATIVES: This is a moderate probability event- and will you be at home if it happens?AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS.This is the belief that 'fiat' currency is unstable and leading to exactly the sort of economic collapse that seems to be occurring right now. The solution is to buy gold and silver in the belief that precious metals are 'real money'. The survivalist classic 'The Alpha Strategy' is a practical application of Austrian theory.
POSITIVES: Austrian inspired investments are doing very well so this is the only form of survivalism that pays the survivalist!
NEGATIVES: Austrian Economics can lead to a gloomy outlook. You may miss out on good times simply because you know they will not last!
Warning! A very serious book- one of the economics greats. It requires imagination to grasp.
RELIGIOUS.2012 'end of the world' and Biblical prophecy.
POSITIVES: This generally takes the form of food storage which is useful in the event of a number of 'secular' crises.
NEGATIVES: The end of the world comes around every three to five years in one sect or another. All (so far) have been disappointed.
PEAK OIL.The idea that world oil production is set to fall drastically and this will bring the economy down with it.
POSITIVES: This is a high probability event.
NEGATIVES: In my opinion peak oil will express itself through a general fragility of the world economy rather than a single collapse. Each mini crisis will reduce the demand for oil so their will be no big crash. This is difficult to plan for.


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